Friday, May 29, 2009

Golf Course Cave, Paparoa NP

Went to Charleston for the Queensbirthday weekend caving meet. Teamed up with my mates Grant and Nic plus a few new friends to go visit Golf course Cave.

Golf course has a notorious reputation as a very difficult cave to find, with lots of teams getting lost on the way in. Despite several GPS' and a leader who had been before, we ended up a little lost ourselves..

Getting lost somewhere in the Paparoas
We figured out sorta where we were then descended into the highly convoluted terrain to search for the entrance. I was impressed at the small canyons (grykes) and crazy formations to be found.

Wandering through a Green Gryke
We found several small cave entrances, even descending part way down one of them. It was rather squeezy and i was kinda delighted when I heard the call to retreat.

The false cave entrance

Nic in the false cave

Soon we found the correct entrance and we were on our way. Golf course was a stream way cave that was basically a Limestone slot canyon with a roof on. Lots of fun stemming, climbing and avoiding the 'holes' of that give the cave its name.

The correct entrance (exit) of Golf course

Enjoying a bit of crawling

There was one crawly section that wasn't that fun, followed by a couple of ladders that were. At the exit we got to make a grotty up climb to exit, that was lead with style by another crazy caver.
Great times!

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