We cruised over to Brumms Creek and after a bit of a recce, we found the farmer to ask for permission to cross his land to reach the forest. He didn't seem to mind at all, or really care what we did provided we didn't bother his stock and left the gates as we found them...
We strolled accross paddocks and waded accross ditches (complete with blackberry bush and electric fences!) to meet the native bush. The final pitch was easily visible as we hiked over, showing the last bluff that seemed to run right around the forest edge. We found a tricky spot to ascend a low section of the bluff, then climbed steeply through moderately thick west coast bush,
We climbed for about an hour from the car, only making 300m of altitude gain before dropping in. I had a flight back to Palmy at 6pm, so we really couldn't afford to mess around.
More canyon lay above the spot that we entered, but we still had plenty to keep amused..
Can be jumped to a good pool (6m)
Past the middle gorge section, that had plenty of nice shortish drops, there was a 10 minute stretch of open bouldery travel before we reached the final steep drop sequence. There were 3 pitches in the low 30's, with a wee strech of escapable stream in between the final and penultimate drop.
Scrambling down to the top of the final drop sequence
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