Saturday, January 9, 2010

Torlesse Gap, Korowai/Torlesse Tussocklands Park

On a cold summer night, Murray and I left the car on Brooksdale station and began walking to Kowai Hut. We could see the snow accumulating up high, and felt the crunchiness of the rain on the flats.

An hour or so later we were bunking down in the little 4 bunk hut and hoping for a clearance in the morning.

We got our wishes, but it was a clearance with a cold snap behind it. Ascended Kowai stream, then directly to a rocky 'pinnacle feature' enroute to the Gap. The route was steep and a little exposed (from a tramping viewpoint) but not difficult.

From above the pinnacle, we trudged through snowy scree to the Gap in calm clear condition. The view from the gap was pretty neat; out to the Craigeiburn range and Kura Tawhiti Conservation area.

Our return journey was much quicker and enjoyed under a warm sun and still conditions.

Rd to Hut, 1hr
Hut to Gap 2hr40m +950m
Gap to Hut 2hr
Hut to Rd via stream 1hr

Trudging in on Friday night in 'crunchy' rain

Murray admires 'Black Peak' from above the pinnacle

The final slog to the Torlesse Gap

Wandering down the Kowai on the way home, admiring Red Peak

John Hayward Memorial Hut, Kowai River

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