Monday, December 31, 2007

Moirs Nth Ridge, (Attempt Two) Darran Mountains

Upon returning from our first try at Moir’s North Ridge, we’d decided that we really needed to go back and have a second crack at it. With the correct equipment and knowledge of the terrain we were confident that it was within our abilities.

Another perfect Darrans day greeted us and we were soon off climbing our way to Homer Saddle. Upon arriving at the Saddle, a stiff breeze greeted us. Gearing up, we were a little unnerved as the occasional gust came and threw us off balance. Soloing the ridge in these conditions was going to be interesting.

As soon as we began to climb, the wind began to exact its psychological toll. We made it about two thirds the way along the ridge before we decided to call it quits. Again, we just weren’t comfortable and not really having fun.

Back at Homer, we packed up our gear and said good bye to the Darrans. I was satisfied that we’d given it a good try and found our experience and mettle wanting. At least we’d given it a good crack. Perhaps in years to come with more climbing under my belt, I could return

It felt as though a huge weight had been lifted from our consciences as we drove south toward Te Anau. Finding a nice quiet campsite, Cindy and I had a gear sort out between bouts of fishing, reading, eating and beer drinking. Neither of us even made it close to midnight….

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