Sunday, September 26, 2010

Laguna Sesenta y Nueve, Huascaran NP, Peru

With sore feet and dizzy heads, we presented ourselves for our second acclimitisation hike at 6am in downtown Huaraz.

Lake 69 was about 3 hours drive from town, but we had the luxury of a reasonable sized group that chartered a priviate mini bus to take us.

The trip began up a nice mellow valley, before climbing up two tiers of hanging valley to the spectacular glacial lake. The colour of the water was just incredible and the backdrop surreal. The icefall from the Andean Giant hung just above the lake, threatening to send tidal waves at any moment.

Despite the snow, the temperature was very warm when the sun was out. So I set my personal high altidude swimming record (4700m)..

On the way home we had amazing views of the west face of Huascaran itself, Peru´s highest peak.

First views up the valley

Farmer´s huts.
The valleys are basically high country free range farms,
there´s stock all around and plenty of droppings to tip toe around.

Jeremy and our Guide Marco name the peaks of the Cordillera

Cool wierd plants...

Steph in the middle high alpine medow

Climbing the last set of switchbacks prior to the lake

Almost there..

Laguna Sesenta y Nueve

One of the locals keeps an eye on things

Huascaran Sur 6746m (R) and Norte

On descent back to the sactuary of low altitude (only 3090m in Huaraz)

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