Friday, December 26, 2008

Robinsons Ck, Haast Pass

French snoopy socks.. "Hello... Bye...."



We'd agreed to accompany Alain on another first descent. He had his eye on a drainage in the Burke River valley, but as we drove over to the west side of Haast, steady rain soon put a damper on this plan.

Alain drove around poking his nose at various sites looking for more evidence of didymo, before starting back east. Ira and I manage to convince him to go back to Robinsons creek to salvage the day.

The first drop in Robinsons Ck

Despite Alain not seeming to think that much of Robinsons, it turned out to be another spectacular place. Not as fun as Cross, nor as deep as Wilsons, it had a wonderful beauty of its own.

'Amarage Naturel'

The highlight was the drop into an enourmous cavern with a 25m waterfall right near the end. You rappel from one of the more open sections of the creek into a foreboding abyss. The cavern is overhung on both sides and is quite dark right down the bottom.

The lip of the Chasm

Alain drops into the big cavern


The rain hadn't really stopped when we finished, but back in Wanaka it was sunny enough to dry our gear whilst we enjoyed a cool beverage or two.

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